Friday, 29 July 2011

Body Language

I wasn't at all surprised, to learn, that 93% of the meaning contained in a message was in the voice tone and body language. I didn't realise it was quite that much, but I have always thought that the way people say something and how they move, while saying it, said more than the words that were spoken.
I do not know whether it is because I have spent many years working in retail and tourism or whether it is because I have always been an observer, or maybe it is a mixture of both?
I have also found with experience it is not just humans who do it. I have had to learn with our dog, for example, to use a certain tone in my voice when telling him off about something or calling him to come to me, otherwise he won't listen.
I have also found it interesting, sometimes at work when its been quiet, watching people and guessing what they are thinking by they way they are moving, or guessing the relationships between people who walk into the store together.
People watching is actually a fun thing to do and I often wonder how many other people do it? and has anyone ever watched me while they have been people watching?

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