Sunday 23 October 2011

Reading 14.2.1

As I was reading this article two things came to my mind.
1. Is what Steve doing, going around spots in the city to get CafeNet coverage, a form of  or is stealing? or is CafeNet a free service to everyone?
2. It reminds me of about seven years ago when wireless wasn't that well used, down here in Motueka, A friend of mine had it and he was always wondering why they were going through their data usage so fast until, by chance looking out his window, found tourist sitting out the front, in their vehicles, with their laptops using the wireless connection! He ended up getting rid of the wireless and going back to broadband.
Wireless is something that I have considered doing as it would make it much easier to study with as I would be able to sit anywhere in or around the house to use it but it would cost too much to get our second computer wireless compatible as it is about eight years old.


This is a technology that I am familiar with.
I first started using Skype when I first brought my laptop almost two years ago as it was already installed.
I have to admit at first it was a little bit daunting and it took me about three goes until I worked out how to hear the other person and them to hear me.
I only ever talk to two people - my sisters, one who lives in Auckland with my five year old nephew and the other who lives in Dunedin. I think it is a great way for my sisters to be able to talk my daughters, so they do not feel like they are missing out so much of them growing up and so I can talk to my nephew as well. Also it is a great way for my five year old also to talk to her cousin whom she has a close bond with.
We do not do it as often as I would like as we all have busy lives and often have to text a head of time to arrange a time to do it.
I have found it interesting how my girls have reacted to using Skype. My three year old, for ages presumed that Aunty Leti was always in my computer. I would walk into the living room, to find her, sitting at my computer, talking to the screen and when I asked her what she was doing, I would be told that she was talking to Aunty Leti!
My five year old on the other hand, while talking on Skype, would keep getting up and looking around the back of the computer, as if to see who was there!
I wonder though is it going to become more popular than just talking on the phone? It would certainly be cheaper.

Saturday 22 October 2011


My first thoughts about Twitter were that it was something used by the rich and famous to let all their fans no what they were up to every minute of the day.
Not something I am terribly interested in!
But I can see the uses in it. It is a great way to spread something around really quickly, if needed, which can also work in a negative effect as well.
As I mentioned in a post, in the polytech forum, I saw an episode of Greys Anatomy, where twittering was going on during a surgery, which led to me wondering whether it was something that is widely done these days?
After a post from a fellow student, and some online research of my own, I discovered that this is something that is becoming more and more popular in hospitals and also with medical students. Apparently they are seeing the benefits for uses of Twitter, in this way, to with the learning of a medical student. This I found interesting:-
I only hope that when surgeons, doctors etc tweet about their patients they have their permission first!

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Facebook and YouTube

I have been a user of Facebook for coming up two years. I became a member first because everyone else I knew was one. So I guess, you could say, I joined because it was a fad.
At first I was on it every day, befriending just about everyone who asked to be my friend and playing all the games, owning my own farm etc. But as time has gone on, and the more changes they make to Facebook, I have become less interested in it.
I have found myself ignoring peoples friends requests, unless I actually want to know about their life, and deleting those that I don't really care about.
For me facebook has become about being able to keep in contact with friends and family that I wouldn't of keep in contact with otherwise.
I wrote a blog, earlier in this course, about an article I found on social networking. To read it click on this link.

I think YouTube is great for entertainment.
It seems to be an ongoing fad, especially for young adult/teenagers who want their five minutes of fame. Remember all the planking episodes which were always on the news a few months back? and a little more recently kiwis stopping on pedestrian crossings, all over the world, to do the Haka?
So for those wanting their five minutes of fame its an absolutely brilliant way of doing it. Who knows maybe a few will be spotted and become famous!
My daughters have what we refer to Kids internet - KidZui - which is internet for kids. It is absolutely brilliant for all the entertaining YouTube clips, that my girls watch, and as its kids safe they can't accidentally click on a YouTube clip for an older audience. And they can be entertained for hours.

Saturday 15 October 2011

First Mobile Broadband Experience

As it is the school holidays, and our family is going on the first real family holiday we have ever had, I thought I should get myself a mobile broadband stick of some sort so I could continue my study while I was away.
Last monday, at 7.50pm, I went to the furtherest corner of the Duntroon domain, where according to the Vodafone lady, I should be able to get reception.
I plugged in my Vodafone Mobile Broadband USB Stick and thought I would be away.
But it seems it was not as simple as that.
I only ever  got brief reception which did not allow me to do much at all. It spent 5 minutes trying to log into Second Life so I could meet with my team mates.
Then I kept getting a message saying that I could not connect to the internet as I had no mobile connection.
In the end I had to admit defeat and had to send Tobin a text to say that I would not be meeting the team tonight, hoping that when Thursday came around I would be in Dunedin and should hopefully have no problems with reception there!

Sunday 2 October 2011

Activity 11.1.1 - NewsGroups

At first glance of Google Groups I could see that this could be more beneficial than the previous lurking we did on Topica -it seemed more up to date.
I spent the first day looking around at all the different topica wondering which one to join and decided to try and find some New Zealand owned groups to narrow my search, which I found under the Oceania section.
From here I spent ages trying to settle on a topic as I wanted to join one that was always having stuff added to it and so I decided to join Ruby or Rails Oceania as I am doing this course because I want to be doing Web Design.
So from this I found out:
ActivityLow (thats what it says but on average its about 12 a week)
DescriptionEverything Ruby or Rails in Oceania. Ask a question, solve a problem, show off your work.
Anybody can view group content
Only members can view group members list
Anyone can join
Only members can post
Messages from new members are moderated

Activity 10.4.1 - SIP

I do not think I fully understand what SIP actually is. It has been explained to me and I have researched it a little on the web but it still kind of confuses me.

What sort of etiquette do you think will develop to cope with this 'always available' capability? and is it a good thing that work will expect you to be always available?
We discussed this as a team and it seems we are in an agreement that, hopefully, people would be sensible by not trying to contact people at ridiculous hours. Which we realise doesn't always happen. Some bosses do not seem to think about how they should not be calling their employees at 11 O'clock at night! I think that everyone should be allowed to switch off from work when they leave at the end of the day. But I guess this can not always happen and those who are in high powered should, I suppose, expect to be taking their work home with them.
On the other hand there are some jobs that need this 'always available' capability like midwives and the on call doctor. I am not sure what maternity care is like in other parts of the country but here, in Motueka, being able to get hold of your midwife, no matter what the time, is essential as we do not have a maternity hospital nearby which has open at all times.

I think if the 'always available' capability doesn't get taken advantage of and employers and employees only contact each other, outside of work hours, in emergencies then it would be a great thing but no one wants to be answering a phone, in the middle of the night, only to be told something that could have waited till morning!