I have come to some realisations about myself this week, some I already knew about, and others that have been kind of surprising.
The one I knew about was the way I learn. I found out while at high school, many years ago that I had to see things being done to be able to learn them myself, that I couldn't learn from listening to instructions or by simply reading words on how to do it. I would have to be seeing it or hearing it and physically be doing it at the same time.
It was something that, at the school I went to, the teachers wanted us to find out for ourselves which way we learnt. Not that it made much difference to the way the teachers taught us once we did find out.
So I have always known what I need to do to make myself learn. Thus being the reason I feel like I struggle a lot while studying, over the past year, and usually end up asking a lot of questions.
What surprised me about myself, while studying over the past year, is my role within a group. I am usually the shy one in the group. The one who sits and listens to a group discussion, nods my head, and generally goes with whatever the group wants and doesn't add much until the group has broken up and then I may mention something to someone. I do not particularly like speaking in front of a lot of people and presenting stuff. I had a fear of people openly rejecting my opinions.
But while doing courses, through the Open Polytechnic, I have come out of my shell. I have found myself working within a group and pushing the group forward when needed, adding my opinions, and getting the job done when it has to be done. I ask questions, when I do not understand, with the risk of looking silly. I like to keep on track, so I guess if it means I have do go ahead and do things so we can, then I do.
It makes me wonder what my future group roles will be. Will I be able to carry this kind of confidence over to my every day life or will it stay being an online personality?
I think I can completely relate to this post because I was a shy child when I was young. But as you said I've also always wondered weather it would only be limited to an online personality. But I think the reason that we become more open overall is because when you've done it once you wonder may be you can do it again regardless whether you did it online or offline