Sunday, 23 October 2011


This is a technology that I am familiar with.
I first started using Skype when I first brought my laptop almost two years ago as it was already installed.
I have to admit at first it was a little bit daunting and it took me about three goes until I worked out how to hear the other person and them to hear me.
I only ever talk to two people - my sisters, one who lives in Auckland with my five year old nephew and the other who lives in Dunedin. I think it is a great way for my sisters to be able to talk my daughters, so they do not feel like they are missing out so much of them growing up and so I can talk to my nephew as well. Also it is a great way for my five year old also to talk to her cousin whom she has a close bond with.
We do not do it as often as I would like as we all have busy lives and often have to text a head of time to arrange a time to do it.
I have found it interesting how my girls have reacted to using Skype. My three year old, for ages presumed that Aunty Leti was always in my computer. I would walk into the living room, to find her, sitting at my computer, talking to the screen and when I asked her what she was doing, I would be told that she was talking to Aunty Leti!
My five year old on the other hand, while talking on Skype, would keep getting up and looking around the back of the computer, as if to see who was there!
I wonder though is it going to become more popular than just talking on the phone? It would certainly be cheaper.

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