Sunday, 23 October 2011

Reading 14.2.1

As I was reading this article two things came to my mind.
1. Is what Steve doing, going around spots in the city to get CafeNet coverage, a form of  or is stealing? or is CafeNet a free service to everyone?
2. It reminds me of about seven years ago when wireless wasn't that well used, down here in Motueka, A friend of mine had it and he was always wondering why they were going through their data usage so fast until, by chance looking out his window, found tourist sitting out the front, in their vehicles, with their laptops using the wireless connection! He ended up getting rid of the wireless and going back to broadband.
Wireless is something that I have considered doing as it would make it much easier to study with as I would be able to sit anywhere in or around the house to use it but it would cost too much to get our second computer wireless compatible as it is about eight years old.

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