Friday, 2 September 2011

List Servers

Over the past one to two weeks our task for our teams have been to join, and observe, a discussion on Topica and to then discuss our experience of this with our team.We were to answer the following.

1. The hypotheses are that list servers
limit the number of active users
limit the number of topics under discussion at one time
force the participants into a linear discussion.
Do you agree with these hypotheses?
2. As a team, determine up to 10 characteristics of a list server discussion. What research can you find to support your characterisation?
3.Bearing in mind the mediums characteristics, what business purposes would the team recommend for this medium?

I was not able to make the team meeting (see my previous blog) but sent my team mates an email answering these questions and in the end they also decided to write there ideas in an email also.
For question 1: Do we agree with these hypotheses?
It seemed we were all pretty much in an agreement that, as far as we could tell from using Topica, we do not agree with the hypotheses that the number of active users was limited. Neither was the limit on the number of topics that could be discussed at any time and as for the participants being forced into a linear discussion? I would say the word force would be incorrect. At times the participants seemed to be in a linear discussion but it was something that easily changed, for example if someone changed the topic.

For question 2: 10 characteristics?
We came up with
  1. Informative
  2. Debates
  3. Questioning
  4. Conversation
  5. Resultive
  6. Collective
  7. Inclusive
  8. Potentially limiting (as the written word can be mis-interpreted)
  9. Research
Whoops that was only nine! I will have to think of another and add it to this list.

For question 3: What could business purpose could this medium be used for?
My thoughts were that business could use it to debate stuff, especially those business' which are spread out globally, so they can include every ones opinions.It could also be a way of brainstorming ideas.
It was also mentioned, by my team members, that it could be used to do the following:
Could be used for engineers to discuss design specs.
Production managers based in NZ to discuss issues in China.
Any business that values and uses collaborative work – especially where people are spread, eg geographically - would benefit.
My overall thoughts on discussion lists? They could have the potential to work well for business, students etc if you could find an active, up to date one, to join. Topica was so out of date that, I felt, it was almost pointless using it as a basis for our discussion. As far as I could tell no one on our course could find an up to date discussion.

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